Killarnas låt spelades nyss på BBC Radio 1!
Dom intervjuar Robbie Williams nu!
Jag kan inte beskriva hur stolt jag är! :).
Harry under, innan och efter Burrberry modevisningen!
Man kan se Harry ibland under modevisningen!
Intervju med Harry efter modevisningen! :).
Kevin har blivit intervjuvad som är en av Harrys tatuerare som Ed, Rizzle Kicks och flera har blivit intervjuvade!
''I did a couple of bits on Harry last night.'' Sa han.
''They're really personal to him - the reasons he had them done and stuff, so he doesn't really want to announce what they are. I'm doing him half sleeve wich he doesn't mind people knowing about.''
''We are doing that now, so over the next week or two I'm gonna draw that up, send him the pictures over and then I'll go back down and start it up. One was something from his childhood, and another one was something really important in his life.''
''There's nothing on Harrys collarbone, it's at the top of the arm to begin the sleeve. I tattooed Ed Sheeran as well - Who did a little locket on Harry's hand, like a little padlock thing.''
Om ni vill läsa Intervjun gå in här:
Seventeen Magazine intervju med Louis!
Intervju i Australien
Det här är en intervju i Australien där intervjuarens trosor håller på att ramla av.
Se Harrys reaktion! :).